Monday, September 24, 2012

Brenda Jackson's 'Bachelor in Demand' Series

These are published by Kimani Press, the Harlequin's line of African-American romances. For full disclosure, neither of us is African-American, which maybe why we didn't like these, but I'm more inclined to believe it is because they weren't very well written. The guy on the cover on the first one was smoking hot, and the plot was good, but there were so many cliches about their romance and then in their sex scenes, that I couldn't get into the story. The characters all seemed exactly the same and totally one dimensional. That said, the plots really were different from what I typically read in that they featured real life issues and the sex scenes actually included condoms and concerns about STIs/pregnancy - seems that is a real afterthought in most ro nos.

Series Order
Bachelor Untamed, 2009 - only one H read
Bachelor Unleashed, 2010
Bachelor Undone, 2011

E: UGH. I tried one of Brenda Jackson's books when I saw it was marked down on the Kindle. It was called Hot Westmoreland Nights and seriously, the only thing good about it were the 'nights.' The premise lacked anything believable or captivating, the heroine was officially 'meh' and the couple had no chemistry. Even though I had paid $ for and it was stuck on a plane (cross-country so plenty of reading time), I dropped it at 40% read and reread Darkfever.

E Rating:      H Rating: 2 stars

Stand out book: none? Didn't read enough to find a standout

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